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2020-07-05 15:57 |
 Alon Livné自十七岁起即成为以色列颇有名气的设计师,他曾在伦敦的Alexander McQueen和翡冷翠的Roberto Cavalli受过培训。后来在纽约时装周上一举成名。 Beyonce 、Lady Gaga等知名明星都对他的设计爱不释手,因为实在是太美妙、太才华横溢了。Alon Livne White是他的婚纱设计系列,亦是全世界知名的顶级奢华婚纱品牌之一。他很喜欢手工缝制珠片与绸缎等布料的拼接,营造出一种梦幻、浪漫与时尚的感觉。 Alon Livne White 2015 bridal couture collection. What can we say? Even after overdosing on all the glitz, glam and couture at the visual fest that was the Met Gala yesterday this collection manage to stun us with its jaw-droppingly beautiful details. Designed by Alon Livné, who previously trained at Alexander McQueen and Roberto Cavalli, this collection features a beautiful medley of intricate textures and exquisite construction.
